At USA In Collaboration white (TT<E)
•Empowerment Through Martial Arts is a non-profit organization aimed at improving the overall health of underprivileged and disabled children-physical, mental or social health. In a mix of martial arts training and self defense, bully overcoming tactics as well as emotional health coaching we hope to create the skills and knowledge young people need in order to be successful within an agressive environment. We can wrap them in our comprehensive programming – and indeed the participants will arrive desperate for that sense of certainty, self-discipline, balance it gives — but we also have to give them mechanisms through which to deal with their rage or intimidation as well as emotional finer,
Empowerment Through Martial Arts USA (TT<E) is dedicated to transforming the lives of vulnerable and disabled children by equipping them with essential life skills through martial arts, emotional resilience training, and anti-bullying workshops. Our unique, inclusive approach bridges a critical gap in youth services, providing children with the tools they need to build self-confidence, protect themselves, and grow emotionally.
•Through strategic partnerships, sustainable funding models, and a clear focus on outcomes,USA (TT<E)aims to expand its impact across communities, reaching more children in need. By addressing both physical and emotional well-being, our organization seeks to create lasting change, ensuring that every child,no matter their challenges,can lead a confident, empowered life.
Common signs
The USA(TT<E) anti Bullying program prepares your child using a three-pronged approach:
Harassment comes in many forms. Sometimes, a victim doesn’t take a stand because they can’t differentiate between “joking” and “bullying.” We teach your child to differentiate between harmless play and harmful harassment, so they know precisely when and how to act in each circumstance.
A confident child is a Bullyproof child. Bullies seek “easy targets” – those who will tolerate their abuse. We arm your child with the tools needed to overcome physical, verbal, and psychological harassment, so they are so confident in themselves that no bully will try to harass them.
We prepare your child to deal with bullies without turning them into one. We emphasize discipline, responsibility, and respect throughout the course, and teach five “Rules of Engagement” to ensure they never abuse their power.
Teaching a child jiu-jitsu without teaching them when to use it, is akin to giving someone a gun without teaching them how to use it. USA Bullyproof is the only kid’s jiu-jitsu program that actually teaches children precisely when they can, and cannot, use the techniques they are learning. The five "Rules of Engagement" are regularly rehearsed in class so that children will never abuse their power and, equally important, they will not hesitate to take a stand when abused by bullies.
Avoid the fight at all costs.
If physically attacked, defend yourself.
If verbally attacked, follow the Three T-steps (talk, tell, tackle).
Never punch or kick the bully, establish control and negotiate.
When applying submissions use minimal force and negotiate.
Although we discuss the Rules of Engagement in USA anti Bullying classes,
We are proud to be a part of the community and to have the opportunity to give back through our various outreach programs. Our athletes and coaches are actively involved in volunteering, fundraising, and community events, and we are committed to making a positive impact,
Our vision is to create a world where NONE of these worries the child or parent, and ALL kids receive EQUAL social emotional development because we believe every kid, no matter their vulnerabilities or disability can access resources lead an emotionally balanced confident healthy life. We aim to develop a safer, fairer and caring society that allows every child the opportunity to flourish in our region
BJJ Academy
Titans Daos Brazilian jiu-jitsu
Stanmore London St John ,old church
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